Whit and I met this guy while we were waiting to board our first train. He spoke broken English and wanted us to give him and English name. We settled on Boston.

This was the seating arrangement on the 16 hour train ride. It's a good thing we all like each other because it was very cramped.

The way they carry things always amazes me.

This little baby broke my heart when he came and asked me for money.

Welcome to Fenghuang!

Fatty rat that was waiting to be eaten.

Pig face and bee hive to order! Yay!

Some kind of bird you could order..

Tree ear!! A.K.A jelly fungus....we get this for dinner all the time. I am NOT a fan.

bloody fish...out in the open...

This is expensive octopus on a stick..

Skewed baby crabs on a stick. You are supposed to eat the whole thing....

and I actually ate one!!

At night the food vendors come out and cook your food right before your eyes! The spicy fried rice/noodles were amazing and so were the "dumps" (dumplings).

This is the hostel we stayed at for $4 American dollars a night. It was way sweet.

Inside our hostel room

These are the houses along the river.

Beautiful Fenghuang. The houses along the river are partially held up by stilts in the water.

Opposites attract :)

Chinese vendor.

This is a little boy! (there was a slit in the front too.)

Little children make things to sell hikers along the trail.

The yellow flowers were so vibrant

These three little boys were smoking in the woods along the river..they couldn't be older than 5.

Doesn't this look like a Disney lagoon? We found a great hike way up in the mountains. There were multiple water falls and a really cool bridge that wrapped around the mountain so you could hike along side the waterfall

crickety bridge

Recently, a small section of the Southern Wall was discovered, in comparison to the Great Wall, it is very small.

The steps up the Southern Wall

View from the top

Whit and I peaked the wall and it was beautiful. These pictures don't really capture the full excitement of this trip. No one showered for 4 days and all together we spent about 40+ hours traveling to these beautiful places. It was worth it but everyone is sleeping peacefully right now :).