Four humble graves.

Asians are short. The middle guy, Tony, is 20 years old.

Lots of the wall here have shards of glass that keep people out. I think it's resourceful. Go China.

I don't know if she's digging someone up...or putting some one in. Either one is creepy.

I love his child-like innocence.

The hills were covered in graves.

This old man was carrying fireworks to sell to family members that came to pay respects during the national holiday. Instead of bringing flowers, remembrance is show by lighting firecrackers on graves. It was loud.

A fresh tombstone being laid-Chinese style.

I love this picture for four reasons. 1- the bamboo walking stick, 2 the pink bug catcher, 3 the middle boy who is wearing one sock and one shoe and 4 the hug smile on his little face.

We rented a karaoke room and invited all the Chinese assistance and teachers we work with to come and celebrate Jace's 18th birthday. Mike sang the "Wu Ai Ni" (I Love You) song to everyone.

Chelsea, me and Joell.

Whitney and Jace bought sweet Chinese outfits for the occasion. Tights and shorts are what they are all about. She wears them well.

He is one of the new teachers at Bond. His name is McFly. Seriously.

Mandi, me and Joyce! These are the girls I get to teach with everyday. I feel really lucky to be Mandi's partner. She's taught me so much about being a good teacher.

This sweet girl was a daughter to one of the teachers. We played hand clapping games and she got way better than me in five minutes.

She rocked out to a fast Chinese song in front of everyone, go Sunny!