I love this picture :)

My very first day teaching.

Chinese children always have joyful looks on their face, I love them!!!!

Picture time after class!

These are the girls that come say hello between every class! They help me with Chinese, and I help them with English!

One of my favorite things is when Mandi and I walk through the school halls, swarms like this follow behind us :) ( I named the little girl in the bottom left Sue because she has curly hair.)

Mandi getting ready to eat lunch at Leixiyixioaqu (school name).

This is the kitchen where the teacher's eat. Please note the fire hole that heats the wok.

This is the view from one of my classrooms, beautiful, huh?

This is what Mandi and I saw as we left school on Thursday. They make us feel so good :)
Emily, What an AMAZING experience. I am SO glad you are posting these pictures. I have heard wonderful things about China and I'm glad to see it in real time! Also, what humble circumstances to live in. You will ALWAYS treasure this experience with great fondness. I look forward to many more posts!